정보 (시승기,결함리콜,튜닝)


소프트웨어 업데이트 하고 오세요.

용인V하루또 2018-06-22 16:39 조회 691

오늘 제가 근무하는 순천에서 아침 일찍 갔는데, 

오히려 근무는 9시부터 한다고... 
기다리다 했습니다.

다들 아시는 recall 18125 -  HPCM2(Hybrid Powertrain Control Module 2) 에 대한 소프트웨어 업데이트입니다.

할 수 있는 장소는 이런다고 하네요.
저는 직장이 있는 곳인 순천에서...
뭐 가봤드니 한가하고...

마침 간 김에 After Blow Mode 를 On 으로 해달라고 했습니다.
보조배터리 탕진의 가능성 때문에 안해줄려고 해서...
제가 알고 있는 내용이니 그냥 해주시라고 했습니다.

이 내용은 이런것입니다.

이번 리콜의 내용은 간략하게 이런답니다.

I have seen articles which may leave that impression with some readers as well.

This is a new “recall” or service campaign that covers the same underlying problem but it makes additional fixes that were not part of the earlier update targeted at 2017 Bolt EVs. It has a new “GM Recall” number of 18125 whereas the previous one was 18097. Thus it is confusing to simply frame it has an extension of the earlier fix to new cars (the 2018 cars).

All 2017 Bolt EVs and essentially all 2018 Bolt EVs are recommended to be taken to a dealer that can apply this new update. For 2018 Bolts, it is the first time they are getting the aspects of the fix that were part of 18097 that give the driver more time and notification due to an imminent need to reduce propulsion power and get off of the freeway etc. I’m not sure if any recently built 2018 Bolt EVs have received the new software at the factory already so it’s possible that some 2018 Bolts don’t actually need to be updated. It does seem clear that most or almost all 2018 Bolts need to be updated.

In addition, the 18125 GM Recall update improves the GOM or Guess-O-Meter range estimation behavior so that it better reflects the actual range of the car due to one of the battery cells (cell groups) being less able to hold and release energy due to the cell having a manufacturing defect. Although the GM spokesman I talked to didn’t want to get into the details of the new GOM behavior, I believe what this means is that the GOM now estimates the range based on the weak cell’s voltage and stored energy estimate whereas in the past it was using some kind of averaging across all of the cell groups. Since the weak cell group (with 1 of its 3 cells going bad) is capable of holding less energy it will run out sooner while the other cell groups still have energy. The car must stop withdrawing energy from the battery pack when the weak cell group is empty because continuing to drain it will cause further damage to the cell group and perhaps physically damage it. The 18125 update may also include a small number of other changes or improvements that are not directly noticeable by customers.

With this new GOM update, the car should no longer suddenly show a big drop in estimated driving range when the reduced propulsion warning is given imminently before vehicle powertrain shutdown.

My information comes from a detailed telephone discussion with a GM press representative.


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서울V귀거리 작성일

요약하면, 배터리셀의 정확한 용량을 알려주는 업데이트, 전압이 약한 배터리셀은 인식하고 있어서, 남은 전기용량이 많게 표시되고 있다가, 전압이 약한 배터리셀 때문에, 갑자기 남은 전기용량을 인식하는 숫자가 크게 낮아지는 오류가 있어 고속도로에서 갑자기 조심운전해야하는 문제가 있었다, 그러한 문제를 해결함..맞죠?

서울V귀거리 작성일

기존에 용량이 낮은 배터리셀에서 전기를 계속 빼려고 하는 시도때문에 배터리셀의 성능저하가 있을 수 있었다..===> 필수업데이트요소네요.. LG화학이 이겼나봄. 결국 지들 소프트웨어 문제였네요. 요거때문에 LG화학에 손해배상청구했었던듯한데.